
Advantages of a Raised Bed Garden

Advantages of a Raised Bed Garden - Gardening by means of a raised bed can be a lot more comfortable than regular gardening and can solve many common problems.

In a raised bed a scaffold is employed to contain soil above the ground at a suitable height so this kind of gardening is just right for someone in a wheelchair or who has difficulty kneeling down to cultivate a conventional garden. You can easily raise all types of plants including vegetables, herbs and flowers.

Our main reason for using raised beds on part of our property is due to heavy clay soil with really poor drainage.

Drainage is a lot better in this sort of garden and plants that prefer soil that is well drained will prosper.

Raised bed gardens are not complicated to make but if you are not skillful at carpentry you can purchase raised garden kits that are trouble-free to put together and will look attractive for many decades. 

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They are accessible in a lot of shapes and sizes so you can be sure to find one just right for your garden. In addition they also look especially eye-catching and several are made from cedar which is certain to last for many decades.

Some Advantages of a Raised Bed

  • Earth in a raised bed warms up more rapidly than the soil in your garden early on in the year and will hold the heat for much longer later in the year. This gives you a longer growing season, consequently you can sow or transplant seedlings earlier and give them longer to grow.
  • If you have inadequate soil in your garden which is lacking in nutrients or maybe is very heavy clay then using raised beds can resolve your problem. You can make available high-quality soil with all the right nutrients so that your flowers and vegetables will grow perfectly.
  • If you suffer from physical or medical problems that make it painful to kneel down or this type of effort causes back problems then the use of a raised bed will make gardening much easier. Making a bed at an appropriate height will prevent pressure on your back and knees and let you work for longer. For those who have to make use of a wheelchair this manner of gardening will let them benefit from growing flowers and vegetables which they cannot do in a standard garden.
  • In a raised bed that is suitably prepared, drainage is much better than in a traditional garden and you will not have waterlogged earth that can damage your plants and cause to poor growth.
  • In a raised bed you may plant much closer which permits you to grow extra plants in the same area and also helps to prevent growth of weeds and also conserves water.
  • Soil doesn’t become compacted from being trodden on in this kind of garden which lets air and water to reach the roots easily allowing them to grow well.
  • While you can combine earth from your garden with soil bought from a garden store it is preferable to use 100% newly prepared soil. This will ensure that there are no pests or weed seeds present in the soil which will provide a much healthier foundation for your garden and your plants. It will also cut down weeding. If pests do invade your raised bed they are very easy to deal with in a small area or, if necessary, you could clear out all of the soil and restock with new, uncontaminated soil.

Conclusion Advantages of a Raised Bed Garden

Raised gardens may answer many of your gardening problems, are very good-looking and will provide service for many years. 

Cedar raised garden kits are enormously popular as they are resistant to water and exceptionally long lasting. Whether you decide to make your own raised garden or obtain a raised garden kit you will discover that you will like your gardening more and will grow many more healthy vegetables and attractive flower beds.

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