
An Indoor Greenhouse is a Year - Round Garden

An Indoor Greenhouse is a Year-Round Garden. Do you long to grow hothouse plants but don’t have a back yard? Maybe you should think about getting an indoor greenhouse.

If you live in a condo or apartment, it’s easy to see the attractions of an indoor greenhouse. But even homeowners with large yards are attracted to the idea of an indoor greenhouse.

The main advantage is cost. Even a simple lean-to greenhouse shed is more costly to build than a small indoor unit. It’s not that difficult to build a greenhouse in your own home with supplies that are readily available at any home improvement outlet.

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Perhaps you like the idea of an indoor greenhouse, but really don’t want to go to the trouble of building it yourself. Well, you’re in luck, because you can buy an indoor greenhouse kit. You can get these in various styles and brand names. You can get them at a department store, a garden center, or an online retailer.

You can buy indoor greenhouse kits in many different varieties, from a small countertop herb garden to a larger unit that might consume a good portion of your basement.

An Indoor Greenhouse is a Year - Round Garden

If this isn’t enough to meet your needs, it’s possible to make a basic homemade greenhouse at very little cost. You’ll need to start by constructing a freestanding shelving unit of up to four shelves. The unit will need to be fixed firmly to the ground.

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Next, there needs to be a way to retain the moisture and heat that you have provided. You can do this by covering the shelves with plastic wrap, or even an old shower curtain, held together with duct tape. You can heat your greenhouse by buying a heating pad and laying it on the floor. Set up a thermometer and check it frequently to monitor the temperature.

You can give your plants a humid environment by placing a cup of water in the greenhouse. The plants will require light, and you can provide this with a simple fluorescent light. Really, though, you’re better off using a grow light that is especially designed for the greenhouse. A basic unit is relatively inexpensive.

Next you need some soil-filled containers to set your plants in. Arrange them on the shelves and add some water. Now sit back and admire your do-it-yourself greenhouse that does the job just as well as a kit.

Use these suggestions as a guideline, and throw in some imagination and style. You will most certainly end up with an indoor greenhouse that’s perfect for you, whether you buy or build.

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